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Publishing to Dynamic Media from AEMaaCS programmatically



Hi Team,


Looking for a recommendation to publish assets programmatically from AEMaaCS to DM (Scene 7), specifically from a custom step in a workflow.


Currently, the DM Publish Servlet ([asset].dmpublish.json) will be invoked from the UI when publishing manually any asset to DM. Is there a way to programmatically do the same from the backend following best practices?


Thanks in advance! 

4 Replies



Can you not add the 'Dynamic media upload' step directly in your workflow?

Screenshot 2023-01-11 at 8.04.21 PM.png


Else if you meet the below conditions, like setting this scene7filestatus property , the ootb launcher should get called to upload it to DM . Screenshot 2023-01-11 at 8.11.07 PM.png



Thanks @digarg, this step will not publish the asset automatically (we tested it).


Employee Advisor


Welcome to AEM Community !!
To publish an asset programmatically, you might not find any workflow or a way on AEM User Interface.

Dynamic Media Classic IPS API is used to perform operations programmatically on assets.

This might help : https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/dynamic-media-developer-resources/image-production-api/opera...


Vikram Gaur


Level 2

Hi acc74867 , 

are you able to find the solution for this , because we also have the similar usecase, where we want to publish asset to dynamic media using an api.


If you found a solution , please let me know.


Thanks in advance