@ndresgarc Far from me the thought to not permit their creation in a more technical way. Such restriction was never on the table for me. When I said "control" I didn't meant "restriction", but rather steer developer on the right path and ease his life.
@daniel-strmecki @Jörg_Hoh Very good points and true reasons you have. And agree moving away as much as possible from component creation is ideal, less risky and with better benefits long run. Me personally though I have never seen a project that never had to create custom components (unless a headl...
Appreciate your thoughts !
I guess AEM has always been a CMS that never drew an exact line between technical vs business flavor when it comes to functionality. I don't think is even possible for that matter. But I am sure product engineers and architects can find a way to implement thi...
Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary:Better way to create custom AEM componentsUse-case:One needs to build from scratch a new AEM componentCurrent/Experienced Behavior:
In the current AEM world, there are way too often the situations when developers end up building new AEM components (and n...
Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary:Ability to bookmark things in AEM AuthorUse-case:All types of Touch UI activitiesCurrent/Experienced Behavior:Not often you can find yourself working on mid or long term implementations of features if you are a developer, or often working on a specific s...
Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary:Add tag capabilities and personal favorites listsUse-case:Better community user experienceCurrent/Experienced Behavior:I have been a community reader for a very long time and a community contributor for a short time only now. As a reader, but mostly as a...
Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary:AEM References ManagerUse-case:Track references and control changesCurrent/Experienced Behavior:
It is very common situation when for example an AEM component definition gets changed and the changes immediately need to be reflected on the content. For ex...
Hi @daspicko
I like the idea and I am curious further how that can be implemented and made available to AEM users. Shell it be like visual capabilities to manage assets headers ?
Hi @donquixote_dofl
I believe that is one of the roles/features of a monitoring tool. Do you have any on your project ? Splunk, Newrelic, Grafana, Instana, Datadog, Dynatrace etc
It's true that Cloud Manager is for multiple roles. We can verify that in the official documentation. So your request is pertinent. I would say at first sight that it might be an useful thing. Here you can check roles: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager...