Appreciate your thoughts !
I guess AEM has always been a CMS that never drew an exact line between technical vs business flavor when it comes to functionality. I don't think is even possible for that matter. But I am sure product engineers and architects can find a way to implement thi...
Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary:Better way to create custom AEM componentsUse-case:One needs to build from scratch a new AEM componentCurrent/Experienced Behavior:
In the current AEM world, there are way too often the situations when developers end up building new AEM components (and n...
Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary:Ability to bookmark things in AEM AuthorUse-case:All types of Touch UI activitiesCurrent/Experienced Behavior:Not often you can find yourself working on mid or long term implementations of features if you are a developer, or often working on a specific s...
Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary:Add tag capabilities and personal favorites listsUse-case:Better community user experienceCurrent/Experienced Behavior:I have been a community reader for a very long time and a community contributor for a short time only now. As a reader, but mostly as a...
Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary:AEM References ManagerUse-case:Track references and control changesCurrent/Experienced Behavior:
It is very common situation when for example an AEM component definition gets changed and the changes immediately need to be reflected on the content. For ex...
Hi @daspicko
I like the idea and I am curious further how that can be implemented and made available to AEM users. Shell it be like visual capabilities to manage assets headers ?
Hi @donquixote_dofl
I believe that is one of the roles/features of a monitoring tool. Do you have any on your project ? Splunk, Newrelic, Grafana, Instana, Datadog, Dynatrace etc
It's true that Cloud Manager is for multiple roles. We can verify that in the official documentation. So your request is pertinent. I would say at first sight that it might be an useful thing. Here you can check roles: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager...
Hi @Rohan_Garg
I believe there a couple of reasons why is working like this. Adobe might have had additional reasoning, but my guessing is that it has to do with the following:
- Separation of concerns when we talk about roles. Imagine that Cloud Manager is designed to be used by multiple people:...
Are you sure this is not some custom validation that your code has and maybe because of that is doing the overlapping ? I am not saying that is not possible to happen ootb, but I have not seen this before. I can try out on a simple boilerplate project and come back with a result. But...