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Mark Solution

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Community enhacements


Level 9


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary: Add tag capabilities and personal favorites lists
Use-case: Better community user experience
Current/Experienced Behavior: I have been a community reader for a very long time and a community contributor for a short time only now. As a reader, but mostly as a contributor I quickly found out that whenever I want to go back to some article, search for a previous response to some problem, I would basically need take my articles page by page a try to remember where I've seen the topic I am looking for, or where I provided a similar solution that might match other topic and so on. And when you start to have a big list of articles, this activity become cumbersome.
Improved/Expected Behavior: I would suggest to add some features to add to the community platform.
1. Have UI extract keyword from each article and auto tag article with those. For example it could automatically understand if it a topic about AEM on-prem or cloud, or if is a deployment issue, or if is about assets or if it is about components and so on, or even from what year the discussion is and if it is still relevant. An UI can quickly learn this and establish tag patterns a apply them better and better by the time
2. Have a possibility that each member can set his own personal tags, not visible or public for the rest of the world. Each of us have our own ways of working and organizing information. And I believe this can be very beneficial for self work efficiency and will increase community platform adoption by more people
3. Of course just adding tags does not value much, without having filter capabilities by them. For easily find and check a specific topic area
4. Ability to create favorites lists, with specific topic that each may find most valuable for their personal interest. Not all people work with all AEM capabilities and areas. At least not all from the start. Personal experience evolve over time, depending on each of us opportunities to work on different and diverse projects. The AEM solution is huge. Some work mostly with basic AEM components and templates development. Some develop advanced workflows. Some can do SPA or headless. And so on. I would see very beneficial to have the possibility to flag different articles and put them in buckets lists. Someone would want to group and organize them by topic for example, and come back to them again later on.
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable): experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com
Customer-name/Organization name: Adobe
Screenshot (if applicable):  
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