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AEM Author Bookmarks feature


Level 9


Request for Feature Enhancement (RFE) Summary: Ability to bookmark things in AEM Author
Use-case: All types of Touch UI activities
Current/Experienced Behavior: Not often you can find yourself working on mid or long term implementations of features if you are a developer, or often working on a specific set of pages and assets if you are a content author, or continuously doing regression testing on specific points of the solution as a tester, or purely having to do only with a small portion of "everything" and not usually go in the entire content or solution all the time.

In these often situations I found that the person working on that specific area tends to have lots of browser tabs opened, trying to go back and forth between them to do their work, to do investigations, trying or find things out, oftenly doing mistakes or forgetting where things were, and spending lots of time to untangle stuff and to make sure he is looking in the right place each time before actually addressing the actual underlying need he has.
Improved/Expected Behavior: I propose that AEM would provide the possibility to create shortcuts/bookmarks lists within AEM. Different points in AEM should contain a Bookmark button (which points ?, that is something to be analyzed further). Clicking on this button should open a simple Dialog containing two fields for the user to fill in: name, which will be the visible label of the bookmark and group which will be the bucket list where the bookmark will be added to.
Environment Details (AEM version/service pack, any other specifics if applicable):

I believe this will beneficial as it will increase and boost productivity once the user can create his own lists of places to rapidly go to, not waste time to find same things each time and also avoid doing mistakes as it may happen that he might not go or look at the right place at some point.

Assuming I am working on some Dynamic Media implementation, and I often need to go to Tools, to the Dynamic Media cache invalidation page. In the same time I have a huge content of tons of sites but I only need to work on few 5 to 10 pages within the entire content hierarchy. Same for Assets, I only need to work with some specific assets, lets say some Content Fragments that I need to edit, save and publish. Plus, I have some config files stored in JCR and managed through some custom Coral UI tool built in-house.

All of these places require for me to navigate to them each time and also take an action on them.

Would be good to have a Bookmark button on each of these places so that I can save a bookmark of it. And then visualize all the bookmarks from a single place in AEM. And from there I can always quickly navigate to where I need.

Below I added some example screenshots. But I imagine the Bookmark button to be available in way more places within AEM.

Customer-name/Organization name: tethich.com
Screenshot (if applicable): Adobe Experience Manager.png



Code package (if applicable):  
1 Comment





Thanks for proposing this idea.
This has been reported to the engineering under the internal reference SITES-28081. The product team will triage this request to verify feasibility based on the prioritization model. This post will be updated according to Jira's status.
Status changed to: Investigating