I need to updated a field, for this I need to make a reconciliation of 2 fields: my_original_field -> my_upcoming_field. My original_field has 4 spaces at the beginning. However "my_upcoming_field" doesn't.So I tried: ' '+my_upcoming_fieldBut I'm getting: 07/15/2024 11:17:45 AM QUE-370012 Number ...
So according to me research, those foreign keys in the Recipients schema are set to null, so there are no orphan foreign keys. No records are deleted in Recipients, due to the attribute revIntegrity="normal".Thank you, Pravallika.
Hi @LakshmiPravallika , Could you detail this part: "So the truncate operation on ABC would only initialize the foreign keys of Recipient Schema".What is: only initialize? So records on Recipients won't be deleted?I need only to delete (truncate) records on ABC.
Hi, I've created a 1-to-1 relationship between table ABC and Recipients.This question is related to this one. Now, We need to empty the table ABC every day, to ingest new data only. This is done using a SQL activity and doing a truncate on the table, so we only keep the headers.Beign the relationsh...
I'm getting this error, in the logs of the recurrent delivery activity, after trying to add a 1 to 1 relationship between our extended recipients schema abc:recipients and schema: abc:xyz.Recipients (added lines):<element integrity="normal" label="ME_DIGITALIDADSEGMENTOCONSUMO" name="ME_DIGITALIDADS...
I have a workflow failing because the person who created it does not work any longer with us. I've changed the "assiged to" , in the edit tab, to a current employee. Still the error mentions that the ex employee has no the necesarry permissions to change it. I've found this documentation and it says...
I want to set the delivery to be sent on the 30th at 8am.I'm following this link, where it shows how to set the contact date using a calendar. But in my ACC console client, I don't see the 2nd step (why?):Documentation pic: My activity scheduling: I just need a calendar to choose the date and time....
I have exported the package Schema01,xml from PROD. I did manage to import it into DEV, but not into Staging. When importing the package, in Advance Tools -> Import package I get the error in the image.Why?
Is there a way to change what pressure rule is used based on delivery label? For example, if delivery's label contains: XX , recipient should recieve 1 push daily and 3 push per week at max.If delivery's label doesn't have XX, recipient should recieve 1 push daily max and 2 weekly push at max.Pseudo...