The ID from the event that's triggering (Issue type) isn't the Document ID. You'll want to get a list of the documents attached to that issue.Older documentation, but still holds up: the issueID on the DOCU object. You can do a D...
What's your ask of the community around this scenario? The forum works best when you have a specific ask rather than as a general substitution for Professional Services-style engagements.
Likely, though your business rules description is missing some details. But you can parse a CSV and write a CSV and upload/download documents with Adobe Workfront and other file storage mechanisms. It would be a custom scenario that you'd have to design up. I would suggest taking a small scale te...
Sure, the blueprint is attached.If you're just looking to get the length of an array, there's a function for that:You can also sum individual counters if you want to know how many executions went down which path.I'm trying to figure out if the source of your confusion is around how CSVs split an agg...
I would set counters, one per branch, and then -- inside the branch -- get the counter ref for the specific branch and increment it. Once you're outside all the branches, then you can get all the counter refs again for the resulting numbers.
It sounds like you have a reference problem that is specific to the scenario. If you can post more details, it might be possible to debug.But I suspect you're not updating the reference inside the iterator. Note that Fusion uses pass by value and not pass by reference. Check this out:I've also at...
task/search?projectID=VALUE&indent=TOP_LEVEL&taskNumber_1_Sort=desc&$$LIMIT=1Something like this. The taskNumber field is the one that I think you want to use for ordering to get the "last" one.
Yeah, there isn't a ton. We did a lot via trial-and-error, by setting up projects with the settings we wanted, then doing GET queries to introspect how things worked and establishing patterns from there. It worked, though was definitely intensive.