Hi Patrick, If you are looking for more testers, our team would love to provide feedback on cards. We were part of the New Home Experience Alpha, and love working with the Adobe team in improving functionality and experience.
You put this here a while ago, but this finally solved my issue! THANK YOU!
This is what I used for grouping by Project Owner
group.0.displayname=Owner Namegroup.0.linkedname=documentVersiongroup.0.namekey=view.relatedcolumngroup.0.valuefield=documentVersion:document:project:owner:namegroup.0.va...
Thanks so much!! I was using: accessLevelMM:ID= XXXXXXXXaccessLevelMM:ID_Mod=in
Obviously that didn't work.. but at least I was close.. haha.
Thanks, again!
Hi Richard,
Do you know what would be the expression if I wanted to filter a Typeahead Field (User) but I only want it to display Users with the Access Level: Project Manager?