Oh gosh, I don't know if I can be your hero on that one. I've always stayed away from the text coloring and formatting. I tried to hunt down some information, but I'm only finding text formatting for columns, not grouping. Sorry!
Tracy, I could be misunderstanding your request, but I think the grouping row information is possible. It would look like this: group.0.valueexpression=CONCAT({project}.{name}," - (",{project}.{DE:Brief Status and Summary},")") Not sure what happens if the Brief Status and Summary is lengthy though,...
Hi Mollie! Our company doesn't use program reports, so I'm not super familiar with how they work, but I can speak to the project-level calculated field. I think this formula should work for what you need:DMAX(Program.Name of Field,Program.Name of Field,Program.Name of Field) To explain the formula:...
I just tested this out with CONTAINS and it seems to work: SUM(IF(CONTAINS(Multi-Select Field,valueX),1,0),IF(CONTAINS(Multi-Select Field,valueY),1,0),IF(CONTAINS(Multi-Select Field,valueZ),1,0))
Laura - if you're still having issues, I find that sometimes when I copy and paste codes from the internet, I need to delete the spaces between the statusEquatesWith statuses (PLN CUR ONH APR) and redo the spacing using the tab key. Just an idea! That has definitely tripped me up before. Text mode c...
We have something similar, but it uses SUM and IF. I would imagine you could swap "IF" for "IFIN" though. Essentially, we set the true statement to the value "1" and the false statement to "0". That way, if true is met, it counts for 1 point, if false is met, it counts for 0 points. Then the SUM fun...
It would be great if we could get some kind of "Are you sure you want to delete?" pop-up when we are deleting pinned pages in the navigation bar.On multiple occasions, I've accidentally clicked on the "X" and deleted one of my pinned tabs.