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Create Hyperlinks in Fusion


Level 5

Does anyone know how to create hyperlinked text in Fusion?

My goal is to send an email with a link to a newly created Task. It would be something like

Task: New Task Name (New Task Name would be a string from a form that becomes the task name)

... where the hyperlink is something like:

https://instance.my.workfront.com/task/[FUSION TASK ID VARIABLE]/overview

I can create the text of the link. I have that down. But how do I make use it to encode a hyperlink?

Worst case, how can I make the link itself clickable, if I can't encode the Task Name?

(ex. https://instance.my.workfront.com/task/[FUSION TASK ID VARIABLE]/overview)


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7 Replies


Level 4

Hi Howard, this is realted to the specific modules that would use this content. If, for example, you are using the Microsoft 365 Email connector, you would simply fill in the content with appropriate HTML (including hyperlinks, etc.) and double check that the "body content type" is "HTML" (I think that is the default).

Other modules may handle it differently, so it depends on the other system you are sending it to / through.


Level 5



Level 4

yep, you'll see the help text there just says you can include html tags in the content.



Former Community Member

Hi Darin,

Do you know if it is possible to properly hyperlink text within Updates? When we attempt to do this through the API, it is still displaying the full link. We would like for the link to display hyperlinked text instead of the actual URL.

If this is better discussed off-thread, please email me @ tracy.springer@schwab.com

Thank you so much and Happy Thanksgiving!




Level 4

Hi Tracy!

Did you figure out a solution for this? I'm looking to do the same thing that you described above.




Level 5

Hi Chloe. If you wanted the linked text to say "Hey Google" and have the link take you to www.google.com then the HTML would be:

<a href="https://www.google.com">Hey Google</a>

This should do the trick if you modify it for your purposes.

All the best.


David Cornwell



Level 2

@Chloe Rock‚‚ Simply use the Workfront Connector, Record Type = Update, Object Type = (Project / Task etc) - and 'insert' the URL the base URL+ID

Here's an example of the update text taking directly from one of our scenarios - {{1.finalURL}} is simply a URL like https://www.myurl.com - WF is clever enough to render this link 'cliclkable' in the update! We're not trying to be clever and have a work hyperlinked - hence no need to worry about wrapping anything with a <a href> </a>

If your full URL is not available from another module, you may need to simply enter it as https://www.myurl.com + releavntID - you might need to play around with the best way to do this - may be as simple as using the maths operator + 😀

You have been asked request.

Approval url: {{1.finalURL}}

Hope that helps!