can you let us know what the task constraints for the non responsive tasks are being set to? If they are set to some sort of fixed date constraint (such as "must start on", "must finish on" or "fixed dates") they will not change. -skye
right but if I look up the default value at the project level, is it going to permanently set it that way? Because I really do want it blank, which is the quality i understood it needed to have in order to default to the project level value. So for example, if the project value is 5 days, I wouldn't...
Here's the short summary: 1) I feel I need the queue topic's default duration field to be blank and it's not (comes in at 1 day when I kickstart). 2) If I go in and change that field to be blank, it won't save that way (goes back to 1 day). Here's the long story: Has anyone ever used a kickstart to ...
hi @Maddy Martin -- there will be some confusion around the assignment users field , so I'll start by saying this: the "assigned to" fields in an Assignment report is the same as the "assignment users" fields in an Issue or Task report. Now back to the answer. If your users have a tendency to assign...
I track my climbing in the mountainproject app, but the reporting is not that great. Fortunately mountainproject has a download to CSV option, so back when I was a beginner at Workfront, I used my sandbox to practice how to set up a kickstart of the information with custom form fields, in different ...
I don't have time-off reports myself (we don't use them here), but I did walk through Josh Hardman's excellent video when they were bringing out this functionality, and I don't think I can improve on his instructions. Have you followed through this to build your calendar, or are you specifically hav...
Hi Janelle, I'd probably bookmark Narayan's site, if you want some examples of text mode to look at. Briefly, right now your column is pulling a list of tasks for each project (look at the valuefield line). Replace this with a valueexpression line that basically says "if John Smith is ass...
hey, I'm not sure "12w" is going to work. -- can you plug in 60d? maybe that will help you troubleshoot. -skye
well... you don't lose it. It stays with the original issue. But yes, it's not going to log that way in the project. Workfront just doesn't have a way to capture the conversion process differently (maybe this is an Idea?), so it treats that process as though the project owner is doing it from scratc...
I'll try and attend! Our users inline edit as much as they can, and they struggle with selecting and deselecting objects, especially if they only want to edit one object. (I think this functionality has changed slightly with the new list improvements and it's now more difficult than ever to deselect...