Hi @srikanth532 : For exporting to work - the values should be under /jcr:content/metadata. Anything on jcr:content or file itself wont be exported e.g. created date , created by is usually on asset node itself rather than as metadata property/node.
You may want to check logs & reach out to the connector team. They might want you to upgrade to - the latest connector is 2.0.3 from ensemble although Adobe recommends to go with Enhanced workfront connector now which was released in Dec'21.
Hi @gdeshwal : This depends on from what all sources you are trying to migrate. There is also S3 asset ingestor tool where you would have to first migrate asests to S3 from all legacy source. https://adobe-consulting-services.github.io/acs-aem-commons/features/mcp-tools/asset-ingestion/s3-asset-ing...