Javascript is not supported currently and instead, personalization in Journey Optimizer is based on the templating syntax called Handlebars. Reference You can take a look at ...
No, it is a single field that can be updated in a given update activity.
It's currently not feasible. Supported ways of consuming assets are documented in this link
I am assuming you are relying on productListItems object array to know the number of items in the cart. If the productListItems count of checkout event is equal to count of productListItems count of the product removals since the checkout was started in the last x hours, that should give an indicati...
You can use collection management functions to perform this check to see if there is at least one check out event and no product remova...
Take a look at this note on how profile estimates are generated. You can check for the segment membership of this profile under profile attributes or segment membership...
You can use it on the following lines {% let d = formatDate(toDateTime(<balance_date>, "Etc/GMT"),"MM/dd/YYYY") %}
Looks like you are using custom actions which is actually performing the send outs. Atleast from the journey side, you are handing off the payload to a REST API end point. You will need to check if the service behind the API end point has the recall facility.
You can use "Exclude test events" option in the reports