Hi @yesraptors12 Have you explored the option of collecting email engagement metrics in the marketing automation platform, and then that can be exported and ingested into AEP for further usage. ThanksNarendra
Hello @snowwhite92 You can achieve this by using versioned clientlibs so that you get a new version of clientlib everytime you make an update. Based on your AEM version (6.5 or AEM as a Cloud Service) you can use different method to enable versioned clientlibs. AEM 6.5 https://adobe-consulting-serv...
Hi @cddeshmukh Below are the links to security whitepapers for Adobe Dynamic Media and AEM 6.5 on AMS which talks about the overall security architecture. There is no specific mention about PII here. For these tools the PII could be in the assets metadata and that is something you may have to check...
Hi @mvotos You can use this link to generate index definition by providing your query - https://oakutils.appspot.com/generate/index Since the actual content exists under /content/dam I think the queryPaths should point to it. ThanksNarendra
Hi @Pandurang Just checking if you are still facing issue. Usually this occurs when the java version you are using is higher than 11. AEM currently supports java 8 & 11. If you are on the correct java version then provide more details on the error you are seeing. ThanksNarendra
Hi @ahmeedev Have you already looked at this for the CEP extension - https://github.com/Adobe-CEP/Getting-Started-guides/tree/master This guide also has a separate section for packaging and distribution of the CEP extension - https://github.com/Adobe-CEP/Getting-Started-guides/tree/master/Package%2...
Hi @Brian_Vaughn The problem seems to be because you are using the resourceResolverFactory.getAdministrativeResourceResolverwhich has been deprecated - https://sling.apache.org/apidocs/sling7/org/apache/sling/api/resource/ResourceResolverFactory.html#getAdministrativeResourceResolver-java.util.Map- ...
Hi @Mohamed_AmineGu It looks like Adobe Commerce has the API to export reporting data - https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/services/reporting/export-api/ You can invoke these API in your scripts. ThanksNarendra
Hi @sharaj There is another similar thread for this same issue where various suggestions have been provided for resolution - - https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/how-to-cancel-inheritance-of-a-content-fragment/td-p/646229 Please try these and let us know if th...
Hi @SRC_AEM_DEV It looks like there is an option under admin control to add columns to inbox. Here is the link to the documentation - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/content/sites/authoring/essentials/inbox.html?lang=en I have not tried this yet. Please have a look and...