Is this the built-in Visit Number dimension, rather than the now-not-really-needed getVisitNum plugin?And by Visitor ID, are you referring to the ECID (or MID or whatever we're calling it today), copied into a prop or eVar?
Cookies are a key part of Analytics, so I'd push back and ask what the goal is of not having cookies. The anonymous identifiers in its cookies help Adobe keep track of the user as they go from page to page, and session to session. They are the basis for Visits and Visitors metrics, but also for any ...
I'm assuming this is for version 5 SDKs? ( ?)In launch, go to "Environments" in the left rail: Then click the little box icon for the appropriate environment (dev, staging, production- I'm assuming you're still in dev ...
I want to say sometimes the "submit" trigger is looking for the element of the FORM that is being submitted, not the submit button. If you can't get the developers to set a reliable direct call for you, I'd try either changing the trigger to be click-based on the submit button, or submit-based on t...
For what it's worth, while Mobile Screen Size pulls from user agent and is wrongly getting lumped into 320x480... "monitor resolution" still pulls from the "s" param in beacons, which comes from javascript objects in the browser, and seems to still be correct. I believe this only works for javascrip...
Unfortunately, the Adobe Media Analytics extension does nothing more than set up the heartbeat code and instances.... it does nothing to actually track anything, and the documentation is SEVERELY lacking. :/
It sounds like this is actually a defect (with the analytics extension), based on discussions with the product folks- something to do with the timing on pageBottom if you are using the Experience Cloud ID service. I believe it's been communicated to the folks in charge of that extension so hopefully...
Huh, and when I tried to fix it back to the right order, the next time I opened it, it was "Set Variables", "Clear Vars", then "Send Beacon". Finally, third times the charm, I fixed the order and it "stuck".
I'm seeing a problem in launch with my Analytics action order. If I:create a rule (click-based, FWIW)add the "Adobe Analytics: Set Variables" action (and add in my variables)save the rulere-open the ruleadd the "Adobe Analytics: Send Beacon" action to fire AFTER my Set Variables (, if that makes...