Hello @god_prophet, Please check if the 'use first line as header' parameter is checked (sorry for the french screen shot): If it is checked and your file does not have a header line, Adobe considers that the first data line is the header. Br,Amine
Hello @Heku_, Please referre to this documentation to do what you want to do : https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/campaign-classic/using/configuring-campaign-classic/api/adding-additional-sql-functions.html?lang=en Br,Amine
Hello @CampaignerForLife What you can do is store the yyy and zzz emails on dedicated fields on recipient table (let say email2 and email3 fields).Then create two new target mapping where you specifie email2 as the email for the first one and email3 as the email for the second one. Then you can us...
Hello @CampaignerForLife Where do you store yyy@gmail.com and zzz@gmail.com emails ? What you could do is to store yyy@gmail.com and zzz@gmail.com in other email fields on recipient table (email2 and email3 fields for exemple) and create two new target mapping, one with email2 as email and the sec...
Hello, Is there a way to list all segmentCodes entering a delivery in the delivery form? I need to access segmentCodes before the delivery is executed. Thank you
Description - It would be great to have an Android/ios client app for Adobe Campaign Why is this feature important to you - To have quick access to the platform to manage workflows/deliveries during a coffee break or when in commutes Current Behaviour - i've tried to install a Windows VM on my smar...