Hello @Marcel_Szimonisz Your javascript function should be called xtk_workflow_ToggleLockOnWorkflow. Because you have just extended the schema xtk:workflow. Also in service of the soapCall node you should call xtk:workflow for the same reasons. Br,Amine
Hello @Ssb_94, To view data stored in MEMO field, use the Generic query editor.In the ''data preview'' interface choose the ''XML result'' tab. Link to documentation here Br,Amine
hello @dhfw I have observed the same symptoms in the instances I have previously worked on. My analysis aligns with yours, as I had concluded that these ghost workflows are created during the execution of the tracking log retrieval workflow (internally name of the workflow: "tracking"). In this trac...
sorry for the delayed answer. Normaly OOTB in marketing instance this table is not populated. I'm guessing that there is a technical custom workflow that feeds it by collecting information from MidSourcing instance. if it's the case check if the workflow is started and running fine.you can look for ...
@A_B_SE Can you take a dozen delivery-ids from the nms:deliveryStat schema and check if they correspond to real delivery ids in the nms:delivery schema. Br,Amine
Hello @dhfwTry without the (*) : <proxyConfig enabled="1" override="localhost*,*test.com*,*sample.com*," useSingleProxy="0">It works for me like this.Br,Amine