Hi there,Sometimes I’m using Adobe Analytics as well (they are the only two products we have in the suite at the moment :o(!)But it doesn’t always seem related to whether I’m working in Analytics too.MarkMark PalfreemanBusiness Intelligence Analyst
Guess this is both feedback and a suggestion...but I really think the communication around Adobe Launch needs improving. (Admittedly...this could just be that I'm not looking in the right places for information).Yesterday I was trying multiple times to build a library and it was failing for no parti...
Having all custom code copied and listed somewhere else also means its possible to perform a text search across all data elements much faster than clicking into each of them within the Adobe Launch interface.
To manage Adobe Launch I have related online documentation which includes any javascript code we are using and an overview of the rules and what is fired with each. It's particularly useful if I need to find something within a data element as it means I don't have to click into every single one on w...
So we are using a version of the analytics code which is 7 yrs and 26 versions old. I've tried to get an update to the code briefed in to the product teams as it seems like it should be the right thing to do.However I'm being asked why we need to do this. And honestly from reading the Adobe document...
Yeah...our media agency do it for us and from what I understand the keywords and URLs don't change too often (I was concerned this was a huge amount of work).But what it does is allow us to see visits from each different keyword and then use classifications to segment by Keyword Group and Campaign.I...