Hi again,I'd like to call setUserRole on a CollectionNode. Can I dothat right when the CollectionNode gets created (right now that'sinside my SharedModel's subscribe method)? I don't think it doesbecause I get a RTE if I try:TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method ofa null object ...
I am working with a simple Shared Model which implementsISessionSubscriber. I noticed that some of the examples set uptheir Shared Models upon creationComplete of one of the viewcomponents inside ConnectSessionContainer.Is this the recommended approach? Would it be better (or asefficient) to listen ...
I've just downloaded the 0.91 SDK. InsideCocomoSDK_0.91/extras/readme.html it says that a ColdFusion scriptis provided, however it is not included in extras/scriptsCan it be obtained elsewhere?Thanks,Stefan