Hi @Randi_Rettig your WF URL is either https://experience.adobe.com/#/@{accountname}/so:{accountname}-Production/workfront/.....or https://{accountname}.my.workfront.com/..... So you would just mirror what you see in WF: The URLs to Issues are .../issue/{ID of the issue}The URLs to projects are ......
Hey @FlorenceCr one option is to create a HTML link to eg Content Hub But - the user can download from within Workfront ? Sadly there is no easy way to get the actual AEM path of an asset unless you create a custom endpoint in AEM.
Hi @stan255 You can do so using a report and filter on Can Start (or use the filter in the task View) Also check out the filters on the Home/Workspace widgets (eg My Work has a "ready to start" filter)
Hi @stan255 No: an approval process is specific to the object it's connected to: If you apply an approval to the project it has no impact on the tasks. Makes sense because you typically don't want EVRY single task to get approved. But since you can set these at the template, it's a one-time chore ...
Hi @FlorenceCr The best we can do is use the externalStorageID but that usually shows the UUID of whatever node/folder the asset stored in. In a recent project we ended up setting the path in Fusion as we link the asset (send to AEM). That way we can store the path in a custom field. Otherwise I a...
Hi @stan255 yes, just like in a project, click the task, then in the left nav find Approvals. Pick one form the list (set up under Processes in SetUp) or create a one-time flow for this template task.
@KristinaN I am so sorry to have misled you here. I am not sure what I saw but you're right; valueexpression won't work at all. Looks like there is no option outside displaying hours, or workdays. I was hoping there is a "weekdays" version of the compound format but can't find anything.
Hi @Kelly_StarzEnt take a look at the attached blueprint. The caveat is that in order to compare I do a toString() on the value. That's fine unless the value is a collection, or array of collections. So you likely will need to do some customizing or filtering as to which attribute change you want...