Kiersten, there a "field" per se for time within the label structure of calendars to allow a time to be pulled in. Not sure if this will be available in the newer calendar version but I suggest you input an IDEA for this item as others may have the same need...maybe it will get picked up.
We have a similar automation but used the Microsoft Word template to fill out the document using the JSON structure. Its weird as the Adobe PDF services, if you do a create PDF function wants a .doc or .pdf file and I found the .doc file worked pretty good, but the PDF structure should as w...
I've not done much automation with the Proof module, however, I've used the JSON module that is available to get at JSON data. That module has a parse function that helps you get at JSON data.
Bill, unfortunately there is no way to make reporting like this in the system, this discussion,, gives a bit more context on the subject.
Custom fields won't show in the kickstart, you simply add them after the last the last header. Below is sample of one I've used to upload users. The CategoryID field is the ID of your custom form. The last couple columns are the custom fields I have on the form as they start with DE:, you don't ne...
Fusion is overkill here, you can de-dupe your excel list within Excel. Check this link on how to do this, Once you have the list you want you can use Fusion to read it and update any records needed within Workfront, similar to the below f...
Its_Meow, not exactly sure what you're asking, however, if you'd like some good training resources to better understand Workfront and how it can support you and your orgs (however confusing they might be) here are great places to start:
Experience League (you found us) - https://experienceleague.a...
One thing to note on changing from Complete back to Current, then back to Complete, it will change the actual completion date of the project to the date you put it back to Complete.