@dparraabad You can have deeplink while defining the push message and when the customer clicks on the link take them to phone dial with the number. Consider encrypting the phone number while passing. Need to handle that in the app when the customer clicks the link. Maybe using a similar approach out...
@ZoeAG Follow this documentation to export the audiences as csv from AJO using cloud storage destinations (sftp/amazonS3/AzureBlob etc.).
@AndrewKriz The source value of the fields to update section should be 1 and the destination is the field that you want to update. Since it's a boolean field it will accept 1 or 0 values.
@Ajo_WisdomChase Try to use the html converter to see if that helps.
@Ajo_WisdomChase It should work. I have tested this by sending proof and it's working as expected. Maybe try that on different places to see if that updates the background color.
@SaurabhDeswal If you looking to send the emails the first week of the birthday month, maybe you can setup an audience that looks for birthdate=thismonth (ignore year) and set the scheduler in the journey to run every month once starting 1st day.
@Hurstonyou can follow the steps in the documentation.
@MontexHo As I mentioned earlier you can't use asset manager to include the ICS file rather specify the HTML code directly in the fragment like below and it should give the ICS link to include it in the emails.