Take a look at this page on merge policies and see if that helps at all: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/profile/merge-policies/overview cc @ShotaId
@MYSTERIOUSMAN in addition to what was posted above -> if it is a profile attribute the "..." menu will allow you to auto-include a default fallback value the helper function to include a fallback value for any token: Hello {%=profile.personalEmail.name.firstName ?: "there" %}!
@Caveman77 we have plans to bring this into the product soon! You'll have the ability within the surface configraiton to create dynamic expressions i.e. if salesRepID is listed on the profile use salesRep email for the reply-to address, else fallback to default reply-to address.
Would be great to understand if you are looking to globally prioritize channels i.e. Email first, Push, SMS etc. or if you have a method where you are setting a customer's preferred channel. We do have some roadmap items coming to help address this.
You can do this as a query as stated below, but more easily, couldn't you just use the built-in channel reports? With the added benefit of being able to export these reports.
Hi Diego - can you please open up a support ticket with the campaign ID. The campaign should not be in processing state. What type of campaign was this?
You can use condition builder inside of personalization editor along with dynamic content to help create different language content in your messages. We’ll have full multilingual support with manual and automated translation services very soon!