Hi all, I have a problem when listing an experience-fragment set larger than 40 items (nodes become blank and can't be edited). I'm using AEM 6.5.4 and so far I didn't found any error in logs or potential cause for this, please provide some advice regarding this issue. I already tried a fresh instal...
Yes, I would like to know which permission I must add to my user to allow read and modify the rest of the foldersHe already has read/write permission under /content/myproject/ Hence, I would say for the new AEM version we need to add another special permission.
Hi guys, in AEM 6.4 seems like some permission changed, so I have to be an administrator to see all the structure on crxde, However, I need to provide those privileges to a user without assign him as admin. any help, please. Thank you.
Hi, ashu4pma Do you know how to create/ customize into not destructive operation if we don't have Dynamic Media enabled because of the license. Thank you.
HI smacdonald2008, thank you. I want to add some tool in aem touch (DAM) to select the image focus and save it. then I can select one of them to use in my page or another component.
I would like to add a focal point into /mnt/overlay/dam/gui/content/assets/assetedit.html where the author can be able to focus specific image points and then I can return like .../myimage.png?focus-at=50,40any Idea or advice would be appreciatedThank you.
Hi, I am trying to add a multifield to tag here, /apps/cq/tagging/gui/content/tags/createtag/jcr:content/body/items/form/items/wizard/items/createStep/items/fixedColumns/items/fixedColumn1/items,however, the multifield is displayed blocked (or broken). Any idea?