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How to create/add custom selecting focal point on image into edit asset


Level 2

I would like to add a  focal point into /mnt/overlay/dam/gui/content/assets/assetedit.html where the author can be able to focus specific image points and then I can return like .../myimage.png?focus-at=50,40

any Idea or advice would be appreciated

Thank you.

4 Replies


Level 10

Can you show an example of exactly what you want to do  - maybe an online demo.


Level 2

HI smacdonald2008, thank you.  I want to add some tool in aem touch (DAM) to select the image focus and save it. then I can select one of them to use in my page or another component.



Level 1

Hi JohanT,

In AEM 6.4, focal point is part of OOTB feature. Unfortunately, in AEM 6.3, it requires custom solution to achieve such requirements. There's a number of front-end tool that you might want to look into:

Focal Point: Pure HTML/CSS Adaptive Images Framework

NodeJS, The Focal Point, library that you might also want to take a look. See the demo here: GitHub & BitBucket HTML Preview


Level 2

hi Sothea@WEBCONSOL​, is there a tutorial on how to use this feature in AEM 6.4? I have been looking around and can't find anything.

Thanks in advance! :-)