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☕[AT Community Q&A Coffee Break] WEDNESDAY 6/26/24, 8am PT: Answers to Your post- Target @ Adobe SUMMIT 2024 Questions, from Vadym Ustymenko, Ryan Tincknell, and Ryan Roberts of the Adobe Target Consulting Team ☕




Join us for the next Adobe Target Community Q&A Coffee Break 

taking place Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 @ 8am PT - 9am PT 

We'll be joined by Ryan Roberts (aka @Ryan_Roberts_), Vadym Ustymenko ( @Vadymus), and Ryan Tincknell ( @rtincknell ) 

of the Adobe Target Consulting team, and Matthew Marshall (of the Adobe Technical Support Engineering team, who will all be signed in here to the Adobe Target Community to chat directly with you on this thread about your Adobe Target questions related to:

 Any and all of your Questions related to Target @ Adobe Summit 2024! *Review the topics covered in the 2024 line up of Adobe Target -related Summit Sessions and bring your follow up Questions to this chat on 6/26. 

*NOTE: This is a text-only thread discussion where one participates by posting a Reply to this post.* 

Participating is easy:

  • Register by RSVPing on the right hand side button with 'Yes', 'No', or 'Maybe', as applicable and click "Add to Calendar" -->
  • Add your Questions below leading up to and on the day of the Coffee Break event and be sure to begin your Question with our hosts' Community Usernames: Ryan Roberts (aka @Ryan_Roberts_), Vadym Ustymenko ( @Vadymus), and Ryan Tincknell ( @rtincknell), and Matthew Marshall (


During the hour, make sure to refresh this Coffee Break page periodically to catch newly posted questions and responses - this way you'll be able to efficiently:

  • Clarify your questions
  • Ask follow up Qs and share your use case examples
  • See Questions and Insights posted by other Community members ~ up-vote those that you find interesting
  • Discuss further with your Target Community member peers 

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Vadym Ustymenko (aka ), Principal Technology Consultant, Adobe

My unique Principal Technology Consultant role expands Adobe's business as I deliver innovative solutions for Fortune 50-1000 companies beyond out-of-the-box implementations, which results in stronger relationships through customer success.
I help shaping Adobe Experience Cloud products to be more effective and scalable as I bring the real-world customer feedback in-house to product teams. The knowledge and expertise I gain I share with colleagues by mentoring, training, and promote Adobe brand worldwide by blogging and Adobe Summit presentations. As an entrepreneur I enjoy innovation and creativity in my private and commercial projects.


Ryan Roberts (aka @Ryan_Roberts_)

Principal Consultant, Adobe

Ryan runs pre-sales proof-of-concept engagements for clients across North America as an implementation and testing expert who helps clients verify how Adobe Target can meet their requirements and boost their digital marketing optimization efforts.



Ryan Tincknell (aka @rtincknell)Sr. Enterprise Architect, Adobe

Ryan helps companies create value with analytics and data science by improving business performance, increasing revenue, reducing cost, boosting profitability, and increasing customer satisfaction by taking a “top down” approach to value creation by working with executive leaders who want to improve their business strategy and financial performance. He drives Demand Generation by developing infrastructure and collaborating with multiple departments and leveraging modern marketing and analytical tools. He educates and empowers internal/external teams to follow best practices and leverage analytics to make informed decisions and exceed demand generation goals despite external economic conditions.

 Something already coming to mind?

Add your related questions below ANY TIME prior to or during the Coffee Break on Wednesday, June 26th @8am PT, when you can watch the page and be ready to add follow-up questions and discuss further with other community members!


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Check out the thread from our latest Coffee Break from 4/3/24, and the ongoing list of all past AT Coffee Breaks




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Level 1


@Vadymus Could you please clarify how shared Analytics audiences work in Target in XT and ABT activities?

Is there any way to target not logged in users based on past actions/attributes?


Hello @kdesousa When Analytics audiences get published to Experience Cloud, they then become available for use in in Target tests. These audiences do have an update delay up to 24 hours, so if a visitor qualifies for the audience during a session, then target activities will not get served to them until a subsequent visit. You can get around this lag by building audiences in Core Services audience library off of Analytics Attributes

core services audience library can be built off of analytics attributes. This link speaks to uploading custom attributes, but it does show how to navigate to the Audience library through the People option in EC menu:

What Are Customer Attributes and How Do I Use Them? | Adobe Target


As for non-logged in users, they can be targeted based on behaviors tracked on their device browser as long as the cookie has not been reset manually or due to ITP 2.1. You can use mbox parameters to capture important behavioral targeting dimensions and mbox events for conversion points:

Custom Parameters: Can I Target Visitors Based on Custom Parameters? | Adobe Target

Target Events: Event tracking | Adobe Target

Can I Create an Audience to Use Only Once? | Adobe Target


Level 1


  @Ryan_Roberts_ @Vadymus @rtincknell @MVM 

  1. what is your recommendation around the best way to measure experience targeting performance to determine if it's worth keeping the experience running? Is it best practice to A/B test the personalized experiences first in order to actually measure change impact first? if A/B test first is the route, is it advised to follow best practice for A/B testing and test one piece at a time vs the whole experience? etc...
  2. when there's a site with multiple target audience types, where some pages are generic and some are specific to one audience, what is the best practice for determining if user affinity targeting is effective or miscategorizing users?
  3. can you build custom audiences off of specific user based actions? / is this a recommended approach? i.e. only show X CTA button to users who abandoned the form page
  4. Is there best practice guidance / advice around reaching testing statistical significance?
  5. what is the recommendation for proving ROI for Target use?


Employee Advisor


Hey @EmilyDa4,

I'm going to break up my responses. Hopefully I'm follwing your questions correctly.

1) So I recommend people optimize a page in a fashion that will help them know where to test next. I recommend starting with presence test (what belongs/doesn't belong). Then location testing (of what belongs where on the page does it belong). Then after that function/style testing. This should help you focus on the parts of the page that are most impactful first. A presence test can also give you a sense for the range of impact for the different elements, allowing you to focus on the most impactful elements first.


Hello @EmilyDa4 Responding to:

 3.can you build custom audiences off of specific user based actions? / is this a recommended approach? i.e. only show X CTA button to users who abandoned the form page


Yes, specific user-based action targeting creates significant value and gets commonly used still by customers with a wide array of testing maturity. The main requirement will be to track the desired targeting behaviors to then use within testing. Adobe documentation details steps recommended to perform behavior-based targeting:


Custom Parameters: Can I Target Visitors Based on Custom Parameters? | Adobe Target

Target Events: Event tracking | Adobe Target

Can I Create an Audience to Use Only Once? | Adobe Target


Employee Advisor


2) When you have multiple audience types that you anticipate could behave differently, I would still run my AB test as normal but adding in applicable audiences for reporting. Then when evaluating the results I'd look at the results with all visitors, then for each of the other audience types. Keeping in mind if those audiences are small they may not reach significant/meaningful results. So you have to keep in mind your number 4.


Employee Advisor


4) I recommend that you use the test duration calculator. This help doc describes it: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/target/using/activities/abtest/sample-size-determination

In short you need to have an adequate amount of visitors and conversions before the "confidence" measures showing in Target or Analytics are truly meaningful. This amount also would apply if you are looking at a slice of the audience.


Level 2


If I share an audience from Analytics to Target, what is lookback window for visitors to qualify for the segment?   In other words, if I share a segment from Analytics, will that segment include visitors whose last visit was longer than 90 or 180 days ago?


Employee Advisor


Hi @SamLe2,

Audiences shared from Analytics to Target can range in their lookback windows. The look back isn't just based on their last visit but when they qualified for the behavior you are defining the audience on. So if your audience is for people that click a Learn more button on your site they would have completed that behavior in the last X days from when they are getting qualified in the Target activity. Remember Analytics shared audiences are update at least daily in the Experience Cloud and Target.


>>So if your audience is for people that click a Learn more button on your site they would have completed that behavior in the last X days from when they are getting qualified in the Target activity.


If the person clicked the Learn More button (tracked in analytics) more than 90 days ago, would they still qualify for the Target segment?   If the person clicked the Learn More button button more than 180 days ago, would they still qualify for the Target segment?


Employee Advisor


They would fall out of the audience after the behavior has moved passed the window. The look back window is configurable to different durations: 30, 60, 90, 180 (if I remember correctly). More info: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/analytics/components/segmentation/segmentation-workflow/s...


Level 1


What is the best way to implement category affinity without impacting page performance?





Hello hgomattam! 
Implementing category affinity should not impact page performance. Are you finding that the page performance is being impacted as a result of implementing category affinity? Please share any additional/specific details regarding the behavior you're encountering.


Level 1


I am making a trackevent with a code that would look at the page level elements to track the category. Also, running this as an activity on target. What is the best place to include this code that would look at the page elements? We do not use Launch.


Employee Advisor



So if you are using a trackevent to capture the page category info for the category affinity profile, that should work fine and not impact page performance because a trackevent is a non-blocking call and can be fired at any point during the page load. This should also work fine for category affinity use cases because category affinity is something that is usually used after they have been on a page that populates their affinity. It's often used when they come back at a later time and you want to personalize a message based on their "favorite" category. Here's the help doc on it: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/target/using/audiences/visitor-profiles/category-affinity




Hello everyone! Looking forward to help answering your questions around Adobe Target!




Hi everyone! Glad to be hear answering your Target questions. Looking forward to the discussion. Any we don't get to in the hour we'll contiue to follow up with later in the day.




Welcome to Coffee Break! Already see some good questions that we have seen many clients bring up in different scenarios- we will begin loading responses inline


Level 1


What is the easiest way to add an image to an A/B test? Also, when we have added images, the pages loads with the original image and then loads the test image. That is, the page flickers. Is there a way to handle this issue?




Hello yeswin1,

There are multiple ways that images can be changed when using the VEC (Visual Experience Composer) in Target.

One way would be to edit the HTML itself. Please see the "Text/HTML" section of the "Visual Experience Composer options" documentation found via the URL below:

Another way would be to use the Replace Content function. Please refer to the "Image" section of the "Visual Experience Composer options" documentation via the URL below:

Note: Swapping images requires an Adobe Scene7 (Dynamic Media) Account. A free account can be requested by submitting an Adobe Target Support ticket.

With regards to the issue with "flicker", there are multiple ways to manage this, depending whether you use Tags/Launch. Please review the documentation that matches with your scenario:

How at.js manages flicker

Target Pre-Hiding Snippet


Level 1


If I want to run more than one test on the same page at a time that are reporting on the same metrics, what is the best way to make sure a user is only part of one test? Previous tools I have used the bucket approach – we’re user is assigned a number and depending on that number they are put into one of two tests. I can see in Target there is the priority slider (not sure how effective that is) and also the ‘not in other tests’ audience. Never used either of these so not 100% sure what they do. Also, in Target, there is the profile script approach (this seems similar to the bucket approach on other tools).


Hello @MelBe1 ,


Very good question; it gets right to heart of what it takes to scale experimentation and use your testable traffic effectively.


The slider will be the easiest way to prioritize one test over another for the same location and audience.

The option to create a new audience with an exclude condition on in other tests helps to completely isolate on test from all others occurring on the site if there's any concern for their potential impact on this one.

Solved: Audience - Visitor Profile - Not in another test |... - Adobe Experience League Community - ...
Profile scripts come in when more complex inclusion/exclusion rules need to be defined. Ryan Roberts here tackled this scenario in this thread:
Mutually exclusive - Adobe Experience League Community - 238965






Hi all and thank you for this session


Using AT a client faced some use cases where they couldn’t test or run experiments in multiple languages. They had to create different tests for each language and currency. Could you advise on the following:

1.Being able to make recommendations mixing different currencies?
2.Being able to make recommendations in dollars and other currencies?
3.Being able to make recommendations mixing (Adobe Commerce) stores with the same language and same currency?


Thank you!


Employee Advisor


Hi @niocolasmeriel,

Is this for an AB test? I would suggestion using "multiple auidences" to handle different different languages and different currencies. You need a way to signal to Target that a user is on one language vs and other, but when you are passing that info you can create language based audiences and then create versions of the experiences of the test that still maintain the essence of what you are changing but properly reflect the different langauges/geos you want to include in the test. Here's the help doc with some additional info on it: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/target/using/activities/abtest/create/target-experience-t...


Level 1


I was also wondering if it was common to see bid changes in the lift for conditions in an A/B Test over the lifetime of the test. I'm not aware of any circumstances outside of the test that would cause this shift. For example, we avoid using auto-allocate because in the past the test that was leading early on did not end up being the winner. My expectation was that the lift should be relatively stable, but that has not always been the case.


Employee Advisor


Hi @yeswin1,

I have found that it is not uncommon for lift to shift over the life of an activity, especially in the first week or two. The amount of shift is going to be variable of course and depends on volume of traffic, degree of changes in the test, and audience behaviors.


Employee Advisor


Also, I recommend using our test duration calculator to help you determine when a result is conclusive. Help page here https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/target/using/activities/abtest/sample-size-determination. Lift moving is exactly the reason it is important that the test runs until a sufficient amount of traffic is included in the test. It is only after that amount has been reached that "confidence" levels in the test report can be reliably trusted. Otherwise, you are more likely to have false positive scenarios.

This still would apply to a test using Auto Allocate. Keep in mind Auto Allocate isn't trying to "pick" the winner earlier, it's trying to get more traffic to the competitive experiences faster than an even split does. It works best in AB tests with 3 or more experiences. It helps you get to the sufficient amount of traffic quicker by limiting traffic to experiences that don't appear to be likely winners.


Level 1


Hi. I have a question about 

How Adobe.com Uses AI-powered Recommendations to Personalize Every Interaction


From 37:15, they are talking about AEM component with rich features. Could you please share to us some detail information about it.


Employee Advisor


Hi @CocoNYC13615,

Were you wanting to know how that can be used within a Target activity? I might have to watch that video later and respond later today.

Hi. We would like to know more of AEM configuration. How to do the configuration like.

  • Meta tag pipeline
  • AEM Article Component with Target Recommendations Toggle and specify Target Activity name


Level 1


Hi. Question of Adobe Experience Platform Debugger. We started migrating into WebSDK for some applications of our website.

We noticed that it is not user friendly of debugging of websdk pages. Do you have any plans to make it easy for us?


Level 2


We are having issues with the new visual editor extension that Adobe Target it prompting us to download. When we use this new one, the visual editor never loads the preview of the page. Is there an issue with the extension? I am using Chrome. 


Employee Advisor


Hi @MelissaMa7,

I use FireFox most of the time so I'm still using the Adobe Target VEC helper extension. That said I haven't heard of known issues with the new extension on Chrome. I will message you directly to see I can replicate your issue.


Level 2


When we add in IPs to exclude from the reporting features under the admin section, does that apply to all past experiment reporting that have ran or is it just for reporting moving forward on new activities?


Employee Advisor


Hi @MelissaMa7,

It should only apply to new reporting from that point forward for Target reporting. However, if you have Target reporting in Analytics or CJA you could apply a retroactive filter there to see results that exclude certain IPs on prior tests.




Thank you everyone for posting your Questions in today's Coffee Break thread! If you posted toward the end of our 1-hour together, please note that our experts will be following up with you later in the day. Appreciate your collaboration and hope you gained a lot of value out of today's discussion!




Thank you for taking time to attend our Coffee Break! Some great questions that we see come up across customers, so glad for the opportunity to help serve you. We will try to fit in answering remaining questions over the next day or two as we can fit them in.






Level 1


I am conducting an A/B test to prove non-negative lift. Instead of using a welch's t-test to report on confidence, what is an alternative soluation and how can I calculate the sufficient sample size? Thanks

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