I had a question about the "How will the count be incremented?" option under advanced settings in the Goal & Settings step. What is the difference between "Once per Entrant" and "On Every Impression"? Are there recommendations on when to change this? If I have a goal of clicking a button and set it ...
Thanks! The documentation helped! Was able to mess with the helper extension to get it working. I also used Firefox over Chrome which seemed to work much better.
Thank you! Using Firefox and messing with the VEC extension options worked. I was able to use browse to log in through the VEC and change what I needed.
I am using the visual editor in Adobe Target to make changes to a component that only shows on the page if you are logged in. The issue I am running into is making the page inside the visual editor recognize that I am logged in. I am logged in to the site in the browser, but when it loads in the vis...
When we add in IPs to exclude from the reporting features under the admin section, does that apply to all past experiment reporting that have ran or is it just for reporting moving forward on new activities?
We are having issues with the new visual editor extension that Adobe Target it prompting us to download. When we use this new one, the visual editor never loads the preview of the page. Is there an issue with the extension? I am using Chrome.
On one of our sites, the visual editor is still being fixed so I need to use the Form Composer to build out A/B tests. I have one running now but am having trouble getting a CTA click to track in the reporting. I have added mbox-name-checkPriceExperiment to the CTA as a class name. Then in the repor...