Hello Team,
Welcome to the Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentorship Program 2024! This is the featured Community Discussion/Contextual thread for your Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentor, Reena John!
Reena will be your dedicated mentor, providing valuable support and guidance on your Adobe Real-Time CDP queries as you upskill yourself and prepare for Real-Time CDP certification throughout the program..
Aspirants mapped to Reena aka @ReenaJohn
1) Anmol Raj aka @anmolraj16
2) Anish Raul aka @anishraul
3) Nimesh Patel aka @Nimesh11
4) Young Min Lee aka @yabc7
5) Ajay Kuligod aka @ajayk19
6) Rochelle Satow aka @Rochelle_Satow
7) Sandy Coleman aka @Sandy_Support
9) Abhinav Kainth aka @akainth2
How to participate in the program
Suggested Next Steps for Aspirants:
Remember that every post / like / comment you make in your contextual thread and the Real-time CDP Community throughout the program helps increase your chance to be recognized by your Mentor and win exclusive Adobe swag, so bring your best efforts!
We wish you all the best as you embark on this learning experience!
Good day Reena and fellow mentees. My name is Rochelle Satow. I am located in Cleveland, Ohio. I am an IT Test Lead for Keybank.
One of my main platforms that I test is Adobe Experience Manager and Adobe Experience Platform, including Journey Optimizer, Data Collections, Target, Analytics, and Customer Journey Analytics.
I have been in this role for almost two years. Our company has only started using the Adobe stack within the last 3 years. I am looking to get more understanding and experience within the Adobe stack.
Look forward to learning with you and from you all.
@Rochelle_Satow Nice to e-meet you
Hello @ReenaJohn my name is Anish Raul and I'm a Sr. Ecommerce Lead at Sling TV - Dish Network.
I focus primarily on site personalization using RT-CDP & Target, and I am eager to learn more from you and my fellow mentees.
Nice to e-meet you!
Hi @anishraul Nice to e-meet you
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Hello @ReenaJohn my name is Abhinav Kainth and I'm an Associate Manager at Optum Global Services.
One of my main platforms that I use is Adobe Analytics, Launch & Target. I have been in this role for more than 2 years now. I am looking to get more understanding and experience with Adobe RT-CDP.
Nice to e-meet you!
Hi @anmolraj16 , @Nimesh11 , @yabc7 , @ajayk19 , @Sandy_Support , @YKD
Hope you all are doing well!
Please feel free to introduce yourselves and reach out on this thread.
Warm Regards,
Hi @anmolraj16 , @Nimesh11 , @yabc7 , @ajayk19 , @YKD
Hope you are doing well !
Requesting to please introduce yourselves and reach out on this thread for any queries you have on the AEP RTCDP.
Please do go through the certification Prep guide https://app.rockinfo.com/courses/246 as part of preparation for the Adobe Real Time CDP Developer Expert certification.
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@Rochelle_Satow , @anishraul , @akainth2
Please do share your experience on the AEP use cases and any areas that you would like us to explore together
Hi @ReenaJohn
My experience in AEP is just starting. I have been working in the platform from the tech side for about a year and a half. I am overall responsible for setting up all the roles and permissions, along with testing all development including schemas, data ingestion, datasets, profiles, etc.
I have done many of the Experience League trainings over the last year plus, however one area I am looking forward to learning a little more about is the data science/queries.
Hi Reena,
My primary skillsets are Adobe Analytics, Launch & Target. I also have experience with Adobe Web SDK/ Mobile SDK but I want to understand more about the data modelling & about the different use cases where we can leverage the Adobe RT-CDP.
Hi @akainth2,
Sure, thank you for sharing your current skillset.
For Data Modelling i usually do take a look on this Adobe document - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/xdm/schema/best-practices and for RTCDP use cases check this document out with 3 different use cases -https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/rtcdp/use-cases/overview. Let me know if you need any help in these
Hello, @ReenaJohn and the Mentee team!
My name is Sandy Coleman and I'm a AEP specific resource at Adobe for the Technical Account Manager group.
I've been working on AEP since 2021 as a support or support aligned role.
The parts on the test that I struggled with the most were the data modeling, and the Edge/WebSDK questions, especially if they talked about Analytics report suites or Target configuration.
I look forward to learning with you all!
Hi @sandycoleman ,
Nice to e-meet you !
Let me know if you want to discuss any specific use case on Data Modelling or the Edge/WebSDK ones, have done quite a few from my end, we could discuss and get a way out wherever you feel stuck.
A good read that you could check out for some tips on the Analytics via AEP WebSDK -
Hi All,
Please do go through the certification Prep guide https://app.rockinfo.com/courses/246 as part of preparation for the Adobe Real Time CDP Developer Expert certification.
Post any queries you have on the RTCDP and we can discuss on the same here.
Some good use cases on RTCDP that we could take a look to understand the end to end flow better -
Warm Regards,
Hi @anmolraj16 , @Nimesh11 , @yabc7 , @ajayk19 , @Sandy_Support , @YKD @Rochelle_Satow , @anishraul , @akainth2
Hope you all are doing well!
As part of our preparation for the RTCDP exam, let us discuss and learn the below mentioned modules in the upcoming weeks
Alongside in the week of Aug 5 we will also discuss on the basics of AEP. Also will follow up each week with a quiz to validate our understanding.
Please feel free to tag me and ask any queries or pointers you would want to discuss on any of these modules
Warm Regards,
@anmolraj16 , @Nimesh11 , @yabc7 , @ajayk19 , @Sandy_Support , @YKD
@Rochelle_Satow , @anishraul , @akainth2
Week of Aug 5
We will try to learn the concepts of Data Architecture along with the basics of AEP. Please go through the below link to get understand these topics. Also find below the tutorial links that have short video explanation to these topics.
Will share a quiz based on this module to validate the understanding.
Overview on AEP RTCDP:
Data Architecture -
Tutorials -
Warm Regards,
@anmolraj16 , @Nimesh11 , @yabc7 , @ajayk19 , @Sandy_Support , @YKD @Rochelle_Satow , @anishraul , @akainth2
Week of Aug 12
We will try to learn the concepts of Real Time Customer Profile and Data Ingestion. Please go through the below link to get understand these topics.
Will share a quiz based on this module to validate the understanding.
Real Time Customer Profile -
Data Ingestion -
Warm Regards,
@anmolraj16 , @Nimesh11 , @yabc7 , @ajayk19 , @Sandy_Support , @YKD @Rochelle_Satow , @anishraul , @akainth2
Week of Aug 19
We will try to learn the concepts of Segmentation and Segment Activation. Please go through the below link to get understand these topics.
Will share a quiz based on this module to validate the understanding.
Segmentation -
Segment Activation -
Warm Regards,
@anmolraj16 , @Nimesh11 , @yabc7 , @ajayk19 , @Sandy_Support , @YKD @Rochelle_Satow , @anishraul , @akainth2
Quiz -
Week of Aug 5 :
Warm Regards,
Reena John