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Audience Waterfall Reporting Capabilities


Level 2

Good afternoon RTCDP community,


My team would like to generate audience waterfall reports for auditing and analysis purposes. Ideally, the waterfall report would look something like the following:

Sequence NumberProcess NameRemaining Profile CountLogic
1Starting Customer Population100,000Customer ID exists
2Audience Inclusion Criteria20,000Number of accounts > 2
3Exclusion: Out of footprint18,000Out of Footprint Indicator = 1
4Exclusion: High Net Worth Customers17,000HNW Cust Indicator = 1


We were wondering if RTCDP or other Adobe tools have this sort of capability to generate exportable reports which include audience inclusion/exclusion criteria and how profiles drop-out as a result. 




Adobe-Wan Kenobi

1 Reply


Level 3

This is a really good question. Would love to know if there are any capabilities in AEP maybe using dashboards or data distiller to accomplish this. I think you could utilize CJA for this but probably not as simple of a solution as using RTCDP.