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Sending a custom Action and getting the following Actions failed for "http" and "timed out"


Level 1

We have configured the custom action with basic authentication, to send SMS using third-party tools, but when we use them in Journey, we get an HTTP error and Timed Out.
As the following image shows:



what could be the reason?


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3 Replies


Community Advisor

@wen26, were any requests you made through custom action succeeded or all of them failed? Do you see requests reaching third-party SMS systems?

Thanks, Sathees


Community Advisor

Hello @wen26 


Could you please share more details on the error codes? Also, does your endpoint require any kind of IP address whitelisting?

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Hi @wen26,

Were you able to resolve this query on your own or do you still need help here? Do let us know.


Sukrity Wadhwa