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Rolling Range in audience rule does not work as expected


Level 3

1. Trying to build new two segments of age population (44.08) and (44.09)

2. Below is the segment UI rule and code view looks like for 44.08 audience.


((tenantID.personDetails.birthDate2 occurs >= 536 months before today) and (tenantID.personDetails.birthDate2 occurs <= 537 months before today))


3. Below is the segment UI rule and code view looks like for 44.09 audience.

((tenantID.personDetails.birthDate2 occurs >= 537 months before today) and (tenantID.personDetails.birthDate2 occurs <= 538 months before today))



Now a person of birthdate 'May-09-1979'  who is celebrating monthly birthday as of today (basically anyone if birthdate is of today) is getting evaluated in both the segments 44.08 and 44.09 where it is supposed to be realized only in 44.09 segment. 



Tried all other birthdate functions in the UI rule to fix it but nothing is working out. The issue is because of less than equal to <= in the later condition.


((tenantID.personDetails.birthDate2 occurs >= 536 months before today) and (tenantID.personDetails.birthDate2 occurs <= 537 months before today))


where as it should be just 


((tenantID.personDetails.birthDate2 occurs >= 536 months before today) and (tenantID.personDetails.birthDate2 occurs < 537 months before today))



Any workaround solution in the audience UI only other than audience query API approach? Tried all the possible functions 'before' 'after' etc. etc. Nothing is working out.





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