Hi, I have a journey like this:
I have allow re-entrance active with a 10 seconds re-entrance wait period.
I'd like to know if a person can enter the journey twice before finishing the whole journey. For example, my behavior trigger the AJO journey but I'm stucked in the wait activity (24 hours). What if after initial trigger I trigger the same journey again? Do I enter the journey even if my first behavior didn't finish the whole journey? Is this possible to have same profile twice flowing the journey? Thanks.
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Hi @Silvio6
a profile cannot be present multiple times in the same journey, at the same time. To check that a person is in a journey, the profile identity is used as a key. The system does not allow the same key to be at different places in the same journey.
Hi @Silvio6
a profile cannot be present multiple times in the same journey, at the same time. To check that a person is in a journey, the profile identity is used as a key. The system does not allow the same key to be at different places in the same journey.
ok! so, the allow re-entrance option is once the profile ended the whole journey. Once finished, that profile can enter again the journey?
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Hey David. Please help me with this question:
If I have an ecommerce that sells tickets, and someone buys a ticket.. then the same person (same email) buys another ticket in 2 hours...
How can I create a journey so this person get into the first journey but still get the 2nd email (journey) for ticket's code and other emails?
The correct way here would be to participate more than one time in the same journey, but it can't happen in AJO, right?
I will leave here an example for this journey:
Event: purchase ticket + welcome email (realtime) + email2: have you paid? (3 days later) + email 3: thanks for paying, here is your code, + email 4 (if didn't pay yet in 7 days).
Let's say Maria bought a ticket and didn't pay yet, and 5 days later she buys another one for her uncle.
Please, if someone could help me with this... thanks a lot.
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Hi @IrisCo2
You can achieve this with too options
Audience qualification:
Data distiller:
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Hi @Silvio6 ,
If re-entrance is enabled, a profile can enter a journey several times, but cannot do it until he fully exited the previous instance of the journey.
If re-entrance is disabled, a profile cannot enter multiple times the same journey, within the global journey timeout period
I hope this helps.