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Email size has exceed the limit of 100kb. (CJMMAS - 203-200)


Level 2



I'm creating an email design with some fragments I previously created. They are all text fragments, some of them have images, but those images are hosted in an external FTP. When I save the email design, i get the following error: "Email size has exceed the limit of 100kb. (CJMMAS - 203-200)."


What should I do?




5 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @Joaquín,

You will have to adjust the image size and make sure the overall email size doesn't exceed more than 100kb. Refer to the documentation,



Thanks, Sathees


Level 2

Hi SatheeskannaK


But all the images are hosted in an external ftp. So I am not sending any image attached in the email design


Community Advisor

@Joaquín, Can you explain how you're pulling these assets from external sftp within AJO? 

Thanks, Sathees


Employee Advisor

@Joaquín ,

100kb is a soft limit (warning) for Email Body content.

You should be able to successfully publish the journey if the email body size exceeds the 100kb limit.

Can you share more details on the problem to validate if it is indeed a configuration issue?



Hi @Joaquín,

Were you able to resolve this query on your own or do you still need help here? Do let us know.


Sukrity Wadhwa