So with our current ESP we have logic queries in our footers that look like the below to direct them to our ESP's unsub page or our internal hosted unsub page:
<#if unsub-i-is-null>${form('myesp_hosted_unsub', {}, 'EMAIL_ADDRESS_=' + EMAIL_ADDRESS_)}<#else>${};LAUNCHID:${};...
Our Footers would be in Visual Fragments and we would use Expression Fragments for static links like our homepage and other fixed info, but this I'm not sure I could do with an expression fragment or not.
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Conditional content can be leveraged in visual fragments and similarly helper functions can be used to compute the links.
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Conditional content can be leveraged in visual fragments and similarly helper functions can be used to compute the links.
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Thanks, will look at the Helper Functions more. At first glance I see it mentions they work with Journey and Profiles. How about with Campaigns and Audiences?
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It works in Campaigns too and conditional content based on audience membership can be leveraged as well.