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Date Time functions, add days?


Level 4

Any tipps how I can add a given amount of days to a given datetime profile attribute?



profile.mydate + 100 days

Thursday, 11 November 2021 + 100 days = Saturday, 19 February 2022


I checked https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/journey-optimizer/using/personalization/functions/dates.html... but couldn't find a way to achieve this.


Thank you!

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 3

I have found a solution for calculated dates:
{% let d2 = currentTimeInMillis() + 14*86400000 %}
{% let ourDate = toDateTimeOnly(d2) %}
{%= formatDate(ourDate, "dd/MM/yyyy") %}

View solution in original post

16 Replies


Community Advisor

Haven't experienced this yet. Please reach out to clientcare@adobe.com 


Level 4

Hi @maggod , you could try a profile script similar to one show in the document here (this will have to be done in Target): 



Employee Advisor

hey @maggod  can you help me to understand the usecase? Is this for a condition check, or you are trying to append data? Or just format/change a string? 


Level 4

Hi Ivan


I wanted to render some personalized text into AJO message content.


"Your contract will end Sept 1st 2022".

"Sept 1st 2022" should be calculated based on a profile attribute (like "contract/abc/contractStartDate") plus 2 years.




Level 1

Hi, I'm currently trying to do the exact same thing (add 7 days to a dateTime field to get a new dateTime that is 7 days in the future). Is there already a solution or workaround for this? 


Level 3

I am also trying to do the same thing. But it does not work. Please help me if anyone knows the solution. 
I tried to use it:
{% let d = today %}
{%= formatDate(setDays(d,7), "D/MM/YYYY") %}
but shows like this if today is 21st August, it will show 217-08-2023


Level 3

@Anuhya-Y , 
Thank you so much for your suggestion. I have also tried with now with delta function. It says unknown function error. Do you know any detailed documentation? May be i am using it in a wrong way? 


Community Advisor

@Zahid_14  I tested nowwithdelta function now, seeing the same error "unknown function". I would recommend please reach out to Adobe support on this issue and do share the solution here once you have.


Level 3

Thanks for checking. I have already submitted a ticket. It seems this function is not available (Calculated date). There is another way but it also gives wrong date like if you add 10 days today, it will show 32-August-2023. 


Correct answer by
Level 3

I have found a solution for calculated dates:
{% let d2 = currentTimeInMillis() + 14*86400000 %}
{% let ourDate = toDateTimeOnly(d2) %}
{%= formatDate(ourDate, "dd/MM/yyyy") %}


Level 2

How to convert the specific date attribute value into milliseconds. So that we will use that attribute instead of currentTimeInMillis() like

{% let d2 = profile.dateAttribute + 14*86400000 %}
{% let ourDate = toDateTimeOnly(d2) %}
{%= formatDate(ourDate, "dd/MM/yyyy") %}


Level 1

@Zahid_14 It gives me the correct date till the 24th future date. If I am giving 25th days from today or more than that it gives me past days/wrong date.

{% let d2 = currentTimeInMillis() + 30*86400000 %}
{% let ourDate = toDateTimeOnly(d2) %}
{%= formatDate(ourDate, "dd/MM/yyyy") %}

Expected Output: 01/08/2024

Output I am getting: 12/06/2024


is there any other way to achieve the correct future dates.


Level 3

@NiteshSingh, AJO is not doing the millisecond multiplication correctly for beyond 24 days (24*86400000). The reason it is showing past date in output for days greater than 24 days is, multiplication is giving value in -ve. 


To get the correct value for days greater than 24 day, do the calculation on calculator and pass the hardcoded value in it.


Level 3

Did you get any solution for this to calculate "profile.mydate + 100 days"?


