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Error Notification if journey fails


Level 9


Description - To have a general error setup mechanisn where we can setup the users who should be notified in case of error.

Why is this feature important to you - We can create custom action/activity at every stage in AJO journey design. But, it will be repetitive 'in case of error' configuration setup at every step in a journey. 

There should be a general Admin setup available which notifies whenever there's an error.


How would you like the feature to work -

1) Create an option in Administration - Error Management.

2) Provide option to setup users who should be notified in case of error in a journey or campaign

3) Trigger email notification when systems runs into error.

4) Can provide OOTB email template or user can configure it.


Current Behaviour - Select option - 'In case of error' for each activity in a journey and define action to be taken.


