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Administration and maintenance of Tags


Level 2


We are experience that maintenance of Tags is hard do to access rights, especially deleting Tags. It must be easier to change the name and/or to delete a Tag that is not wanted or not just any more. It the Tag feature shall work and be trusted by the users the Tag must be spelled right be generic and have some sort of structure. This is work that is always going on - and the need of change and maintenance will always be there. We see misspelled words, not generic enough  and the list includes many tests. This is hard to change and make the tool full of "bad data" - and the user experience will drop over time. 


During the development of AJO there has come better features regarding deleting audiences. When deleting a audience it will be checked it this audience is connected to another audience and/or a journey. If so you get a error message and info about that connections there is regarding the audience you want to delete. 

We see the need of the same mindset here regarding Tags. All user should be able to change or delete a Tag, but when deleting there should be a check if the Tags is been used somewhere before it is deleted. Changing name should be able as is since this is dynamic data. Is should be able to delete Tags without disable the Tag first. 

Use of Tags and the need of using Tags is growing along with the extend use of AJO. And if Tags should be used Tags must also be able to be maintained fast and easy, like other features in the tool. With the possibility to also have a folder stricture it would even be more easy and more relevant to use.  

Today we can create but in a real working environment we cant change and maintain the Tags easy - and will therefor not been used. I see that a good Tag strategy can help us working better with audiences etc where the Tags is part of how we find and target customer. 

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