I'm getting an Unable to Validate XML error from the XML Editor, but I can't figure out what the problem is. I'm moving content from out of a table cell and as far as I can tell from the source view, I have not violated DITA.
Specifically, the error is happening when I'm moving a <ul> out of a table cell. I'm getting the error whether the <ul> is placed within a <p> or if it is placed outside a <p> element.
Has anyone else seen issues when moving content out of a table?
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I just confirmed that any time you copy/paste or drag/drop/move an element within a topic, a new GUID is assigned. This breaks any conref using that GUID as a source.
This isn't by design, is it? A GUID/UUID assigned to a phrase or other element needs to remain as is, regardless of its position within the topic, even if it isn't used as a conref source. Once the UUID or other ID is assigned, the system should not be changing it.
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@sschnelbach : the issue with move - can you confirm the AEM Guides version you are on - we can validate this.
For the case where the copy/move leads to new id generation for the moved element - essentially move/copy-paste internally does two steps : delete from source and then add to the target. At the second step where it adds it back the auto generation of ID logic overrides the existing ID.
We are planning to change this behavior to match what you are expecting i.e. if an element already has a ID then on copy-paste/move auto-generated ID should not override it. This change is part of our plan for future release.