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SVG Images Not Rendering Fonts (Native PDF Publishing)


Level 6

Does anyone have any idea why sometimes the fonts in SVG images render correctly in the PDF (Native PDF Publishing) and sometimes the fonts are replaced with Times New Roman? Sometimes both in the SAME IMAGE? (Fonts used are either Arial or Arial Narrow).


I have one image I just fixed the text and verified Arial Narrow was the only font being used. I saved the SVG with the glyphs embedded and generated a new PDF. Half the text is in Arial Narrow and half is in Times New Roman in the PDF.

12 Replies



Are you on AEM cloud service?


Level 6

On Prem installation



Is it possible to share the SVG file?


Level 6

Sure. As I said, I've been experimenting with the "save as" SVG settings in Adobe Illustrator but haven't found a way to get the fonts to render correctly. When I embed the fonts into the SVG, the file previews from the Assets repository correctly, but the PDF engine doesn't render the font correctly. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not.



In the Advanced tab of the PDF output preset you will find the option "Embed used fonts". Select that and generate PDF. See if this fixes the font issue.


Level 6

That option has always been selected. This does not fix the issue.



Please share your sample SVG file. We will analyze what is happening.


Level 6

Where is the option to upload a file that is not a graphics file? Your system is not allowing me to upload an SVG as a graphics/image file and I'm not seeing the option to upload a general file. Only code snippets, links, and graphics. And when I click "Additional options" below, nothing appears.



Can you share the context where you are trying to upload the file?


Level 6

You asked that I share one of the SVG files. I was trying to upload the file here, in the chat, for you as you had requested. There doesn't seem to be an option, here, to upload a file that is not a PNG/JPG "photo".



Please email to vikumar@adobe.com 


Level 6

(Tried "Additional options" in both Edge and Firefox. Nothing appears in either.)