OOB HTML5 plugin is removing the authored elements (p, div etc) when the class attribute is defined for that element. Instead if p/div elements, <span class="undefined_element" is enclosed between the authored text
Ex: add class/outputclass for p and div tags (<p class="p_test" otherprops="test" outputclass="telephone">507-123-1234</p>, <div class="divElement"> I am in div section</div>). Run the preset generation for the OOB HTML5 .
Authored p/div elements are stripping off in the generated html files, instead of authored content <span class="undefined_element"> is getting added if the class attributed is authored
Below is the screenshot of the sample dita content
Generated HTML output without HTML5 customizations
OOB Plugin Customizations: Commented below code block in the topic.xsl.
Below is the screenshot of generated HTML5 page after OOB Customization.
P/Div tags got stripped off in generated html5.
Could anyone guide me in retaining the same extact content along with the div/p elements with class attributes that are authored in the dita.
We are using latest version of fmdita -