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Failure to find com.adobe.fmdita:api:jar:3.5


Level 4

I am trying to use Baseline API and getting the below error can some body help to fix the issue.


Could not resolve dependencies for project org.example.core:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact com.adobe.fmdita:api:jar:3.5 in adobe-public-releases (https://repo.adobe.com/nexus/content/groups/public)

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by

@djohn98390536 : if you are trying this on your local, you have to compile by adding following to the parent pom :



But if this is happening on cloud environment deployment (although its already handled on cloud for everyone) - you need to raise a support ticket and share that with us - it may require checking your cloud environment . 

View solution in original post

8 Replies



Did you try adding the dependency in your pom.xml?

Try this link -> https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-guides/using/api-reference/introductio...



Level 4

thanks @Vijendra1 for ur time to reply. 



For Adobe public releases, we started posting from version Guides 4.0 onwards. You are looking for an older api.jar that is not available through Maven.

To obtain it, you'll need to unzip the installer and navigate to <unzipdir>/jcr_root/libs/fmdita/osgi-bundles/install/api-3.5.jar. Copy this jar file and install it in your local Maven repository using the steps

Then, you can use it.


Level 4

thanks @tasunil1  for ur time to reply. 



@djohn98390536 : which version of AEM Guides are you using? Depending on that you have to use the corresponding version of api jar. And as @tasunil1 mentioned if you are on an older version the api jar is not available in public repo. However for recent versions what @Vijendra1  mentioned is applicable.

All of the methods are documented on this page - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-guides/using/api-reference/introductio... 


Level 4

Hi @DivrajSingh i am using december version of Guides .

By Adding this now the issue got resolved .






But getting new error in all.pom file.

Failed to execute goal com.adobe.aem:aemanalyser-maven-plugin:1.4.10:project-analyse (aem-analyser) on project guides-practice.all: One or more feature analyser(s) detected feature error(s), please read the plugin log for more details -> [Help 1]


Correct answer by

@djohn98390536 : if you are trying this on your local, you have to compile by adding following to the parent pom :



But if this is happening on cloud environment deployment (although its already handled on cloud for everyone) - you need to raise a support ticket and share that with us - it may require checking your cloud environment . 


Level 4

Thanks @DivrajSingh for ur time to reply .In local its working as expected now after adding the above config. In cloud if any issue happens i ll raise the ticket .