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Target Activity Showing Default Content on local AEM


Level 2

Hello all,

I am currently trying to set-up an Adobe Target demo on a local AEM 6.4 instance. I integrated AEM with Target using Adobe Launch and currently have it set-up with the following rules:

Screen Shot 2019-11-15 at 2.29.35 PM.png

This was done following this tutorial and I added a message box at the end notifying me when the actions have run for debugging purposes: https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/aem_adobetarget_integration.html

Integrating Adobe Experience Manager with Adobe Target using Adobe Launch

In Adobe Target, I have set-up an A/B test that is pointing at [http://localhost:4502/content/we-retail/us/en.html] and changed both Experience A and B to say "Shop Later" and "Shop Tomorrow" respectively.

Screen Shot 2019-11-15 at 3.02.38 PM.png

After setting this all up and integrating my local instance with Launch, I navigated to the page and the message box appears successfully as shown below but the "Shop Now" button is still there when neither of my experiences have that. Is there a step that I am missing here? I understand how AEM connects with Launch but I think the issue must be where Launch isn't connected with Target. Both Launch and Target and used within the same enterprise account. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by

justinl40680371​Have you verified that target calls are firing on the page as expected? If you go to the network tab and filter by .tt, you should see the target call. Once you have verified that, check if the activity is delivering on the page by running the mbox trace.

Information on how to run the mbox trace can be found at Troubleshoot content delivery

View solution in original post

15 Replies


Correct answer by

justinl40680371​Have you verified that target calls are firing on the page as expected? If you go to the network tab and filter by .tt, you should see the target call. Once you have verified that, check if the activity is delivering on the page by running the mbox trace.

Information on how to run the mbox trace can be found at Troubleshoot content delivery


Level 2

It does NOT make the target call. This would make sense since I am loading the target libraries but its not showing. I think this is the step I am missing: Add the Experience Cloud ID Service Currently trying the solution. Will update this discussion after.


How did that solution work out for you Justin? Please update the thread if you have any additional insight into the issue you were posting about here in the fall - we'd love to hear back from you!



@justinl89161741 , I don't believe that the ID service should have any impact on the target call. Are you using the Target 2.x extension or 1.X extension in Launch?


Level 2

It seems to be necessary to implement it from the docs, so I was going to give it a try. I am currently using Target 2.x but I also tried it with the 1.x as well.


Level 2

Using the Adobe Experience Cloud Debugger, It seems Target is not found. So it isn't being loaded at all.

I am looking at the Luma demo site and it seems like the ID is implemented correctly.



justinl40680371​ Is there a publicly accesible site where you have this implementation so that we can take a quick look to see what might be going on? Without that it is hard to help pin point where in the implementation the issue lies. Also I would recommend using the Launch Debug switch and examining the console statements to check if all your Launch rules are firing as expected .


Level 2

I don't. I am currently just working off of my local instance. Which is the Launch Debug switch?


Level 2

Also, interestingly enough. Launch is not found either but the Rule that I put in fires.....Screen Shot 2019-11-18 at 12.41.44 PM.png



You can get the same from the Chrome extensions : Launch and DTM Switch - Chrome Web Store


Level 2

So I have installed the switch, and it doesn't seem to give me anything useful. This is what I see on the we-retail site:

Screen Shot 2019-11-18 at 1.28.33 PM.png

This menu appears so it doesn't seem like launch is triggering correctly. However, it shows the "Target Loaded" message that I added in the Custom Code in the Launch rules.



This usually means that the Launch library is not referenced correctly and hence it cannot find the launch libraries . You could maybe validate your launch implementation by following the steps mentioned at Publish your Launch property


Level 2

I have the library published already. But I am using the staging environment. Does it only work on staging when it is in the staging part of the publishing?Screen Shot 2019-11-18 at 2.31.40 PM.png


Level 2

I have also created a new library where I changed the custom message to have an exclamation mark now and left this library in Staging. Now I can see the local site show the message with the exclamation mark but it still doesn't say launch is loaded.



How is the launch hosted is it akamai adapter you are using?  If so, do you see the assets.adobedtm.com network requests firing in your developer tools?  Also, in the web console in the dev tools, try _satellite.setDebug(true);  Once done, you refresh the page, and it should list off everything launch is doing in the console, each rule, initializing extensions etc.  I'm wondering if you are seeing any of that and if the launch urls are loading.  Here's a pretty good blog that walks through it a little bit: Using Debug Mode and _satellite.logger in Adobe Launch | Bounteous 

I hope that helps,
