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Inconsistencies in Adobe Target API Documentation - Need Clarification


Level 2
I've encountered several inconsistencies between different versions of the Adobe Target API documentation for creating activities. I'm hoping someone can clarify which documentation is current and correct.

Documentation Versions
I'm comparing what appears to be two different schemas:
An XT activity creation example (Schema 2): https://developers.adobetarget.com/api/#create-xt-activity

Inconsistencies found
The documentation shows two different approaches for defining experiences:
Schema 1:
    "experiences": [
        "optionLocations": [
            "locationLocalId": 0,
            "optionLocalId": 0

Schema 2:
    "experiences": [
        "offerLocations": [
            "locationLocalId": 0,
            "offerId": 396067

The analytics configuration also shows different structures:
Schema 1:
    "analytics": {
      "reportSuites": [
          "companyName": "string",
          "reportSuites": ["string"]
Schema 2:
    "analytics": {
      "reportSuite": "<tenant-name>westeros",
      "dataCollectionHost": "<tenant-name>.sc.omtrdc.net"
CSS selector targeting:
Schema 1:
    "locations": {
      "selectors": [
          "locationLocalId": 0,
          "name": "string",
          "selector": "string",
          "audienceIds": [0]
Schema 2 only shows mbox targeting:
    "locations": {
      "mboxes": [
          "locationLocalId": 0,
          "name": "a1-serverside-xt"

Additional differences
  • Different metrics structures (engagement/optimizationCriteria vs action.type)
  • Traffic allocation differences (visitorPercentage vs autoAllocateTraffic)
  • Varying field names (optionLocations vs offerLocations)
Which schema is currently supported by the API?
Can I use CSS Selectors (without mboxes) to create or update an activity?
Which fields are required vs optional for basic activity creation?
When searching on google for "adobe target admin API" the first results is (Schema 1) but the 2nd results is https://developers.adobetarget.com/api/ which is the outdated version of https://developers.adobetarget.com/api/. While I can see a world how https://developer.adobe.com/target/administer/admin-api/#tag/Activities/operation/createActivity_3_1 complements https://developers.adobetarget.com/api/, I think the v1 documentation should redirect to the proper documentation.

Any clarification would be greatly appreciated. Our team needs to ensure we're following the most current and correct implementation.

Thank you!
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