
Need to apply offer created from VEC to multiple items


Level 2

I have a e-commerce site. My products list page has big list of products, i have added a small badge to first item in the list via VEC. But i want that badge to be displayed for all products in the page. How to achieve that? I am using at.js. My app is next.js SSR.





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Community Advisor

I'm not familiar with next.js, but I think your best option is to do use custom code in the experience in Target. A script along the lines of this, could do it:


(function() {
  // Function to add the badge to each product title
  function addBadgeToProducts() {
    // Update the selector below to match the product title element on your page.
    var productTitles = document.querySelectorAll('.product-title');
    productTitles.forEach(function(title) {
      // Create the badge image element.
      var badge = document.createElement('img');
      badge.src='https://example.com/path-to-badge.png'; // Replace with your badge image URL.
      badge.alt = 'Badge';
      badge.classList.add('product-badge'); // Optional: add a CSS class for styling.
      // Insert the badge at the beginning of the title element.
      title.insertBefore(badge, title.firstChild);

  // Ensure the DOM is fully loaded before executing.
  if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {
  } else {
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', addBadgeToProducts);



  • Selector Adjustment: Change the selector '.product-title' to target your actual product title elements.
  • Image URL: Update the badge.src with the URL of your badge image.

I hope this helps. 


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Level 2

Thanks for the response. Will check.