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Cross / Up Sale with Related Products


Level 1

Hi all!


I am new to Target, and the customer owns Target Premium. We have a couple of use cases  for which we have doubts..


-Cross/Up Sale with related products (looks). Test A/B to show related products the user is going to buy and whether show them in the shopping cart or in the check out. For this use case we need to filter out the categories. There will be products for which will be difficult to generate a related product which will be an upsale


- Web Push to returning visitor who has left a shopping cart showing a message or highlighting the shopping cart icon in a different color. 


Any idea of the feature/s most adequate to tackle these use cases, via recommendations and test a/b combination? With a visitor profile and or a profile script?

Help is appreciated!




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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by

Hi Marcus,


Here is my feedback regarding your questions.


- Cross/Up Sale with related products (looks). Test A/B to show related products the user is going to buy and whether show them in the shopping cart or in the check out. For this use case we need to filter out the categories. There will be products for which will be difficult to generate a related product which will be an upsale. 


Best feature to use is Target recommendations. Let's breakdown your use case to make sure I understood correctly.


  1. Show related products based on products the user has already looked at and include only products from the same category
    1. Not for all products there will be similar products

Leverage the Target recommendations feature and use the last viewed product or based on the last viewed category to generate recommendations. There are many options of algorithms to play with. You could you use the criteria Similar attributes, most popular products from the same category, people who also looked at this product also bought,...

Target can currently only use one product view to generate similar products. Make sure you have a product catalog with enough attributes to make the similar attributes criteria work.

You can add inclusion rules to limit the results to specific categories.

If there are not enough results then you can create sequential criteria which means that if there are no results then target will show a more broader criteria (e.g. most bought products from specific category)


  1. AB test if this works better in the shopping cart or in the check-out page

You can easily test this approach both in the shopping cart and check-out page. I would probably set up 2 AB tests where you both test against the default (no recommendations)


- Web Push to returning visitor who has left a shopping cart showing a message or highlighting the shopping cart icon in a different color. 


You probably first need to define what "shopping cart abandonment" means for the client. Does that mean that he was in the cart and then went to a different page or he ends the session and you want to personalize when he comes back to the website to continue the shopping?

Each case you would approach differently. 


If the website has already a web push framework in place, talk to the developers how Target can leverage this and activate the message based on specific criteria triggered in Adobe Target.


Highlighting the shopping cart in a different color will probably be a quick-win and can easily be achieved via the visual experience composer or some custom code.


I hope this helps.

Kind regards,



View solution in original post

2 Replies


Correct answer by

Hi Marcus,


Here is my feedback regarding your questions.


- Cross/Up Sale with related products (looks). Test A/B to show related products the user is going to buy and whether show them in the shopping cart or in the check out. For this use case we need to filter out the categories. There will be products for which will be difficult to generate a related product which will be an upsale. 


Best feature to use is Target recommendations. Let's breakdown your use case to make sure I understood correctly.


  1. Show related products based on products the user has already looked at and include only products from the same category
    1. Not for all products there will be similar products

Leverage the Target recommendations feature and use the last viewed product or based on the last viewed category to generate recommendations. There are many options of algorithms to play with. You could you use the criteria Similar attributes, most popular products from the same category, people who also looked at this product also bought,...

Target can currently only use one product view to generate similar products. Make sure you have a product catalog with enough attributes to make the similar attributes criteria work.

You can add inclusion rules to limit the results to specific categories.

If there are not enough results then you can create sequential criteria which means that if there are no results then target will show a more broader criteria (e.g. most bought products from specific category)


  1. AB test if this works better in the shopping cart or in the check-out page

You can easily test this approach both in the shopping cart and check-out page. I would probably set up 2 AB tests where you both test against the default (no recommendations)


- Web Push to returning visitor who has left a shopping cart showing a message or highlighting the shopping cart icon in a different color. 


You probably first need to define what "shopping cart abandonment" means for the client. Does that mean that he was in the cart and then went to a different page or he ends the session and you want to personalize when he comes back to the website to continue the shopping?

Each case you would approach differently. 


If the website has already a web push framework in place, talk to the developers how Target can leverage this and activate the message based on specific criteria triggered in Adobe Target.


Highlighting the shopping cart in a different color will probably be a quick-win and can easily be achieved via the visual experience composer or some custom code.


I hope this helps.

Kind regards,




Level 1

Thank you very much for your fast response! We are considering the Recommendations as an offer functionality for the first use case: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/recommendations/recommendations-as-an-offer.htm.... Anyhow your answer has provided us some invaluable hints on how to tackle these use cases!