We've implemented opt in service using Adobe Launch. Configured the ECID extension correctly like below
Now once the user accepts cookies for target, we've update the permission and invoke direct call rule to trigger as permission/ consent provided.
adobe.optIn.approve(adobe.OptInCategories.TARGET, true);
Can see Adobe request coming through on page
but can't see any delivery request in network tab instead getting below warning in console and experience not coming through target
Any idea what's wrong here?
Solved! Go to Solution.
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This issue has been resolved. the issue had occurred because of the Adobe target extension has option called GDPR opt in enabled / disabled which conflicts with adobe opt in permission in our case. Earlier it set to enabled but later on when it disabled all working as expected. I 've report this with Adobe.
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Please set 'Is Opt In storage enabled' to 'Yes' (Launch > EC ID service extension) so as to store the opt in permissions in a first party cookie 'adobeujs-optin'. You can also debug in the browser console to see 'adobe.optIn.permissions' returns the expected result of each category or not.
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Thanks for the response. I've had check I can see the correct values return by 'adobe.optIn.permissions' for each category like below but it can also shows the warning message
where as when I interacted with my cookie banner and select only allow Target cookies then with my earlier implementation (in question) works correctly and I can see the experience through target and interestingly can't see the above target warning
Not sure why this happening? Any idea?
Help appreciated, Thanks
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This issue has been resolved. the issue had occurred because of the Adobe target extension has option called GDPR opt in enabled / disabled which conflicts with adobe opt in permission in our case. Earlier it set to enabled but later on when it disabled all working as expected. I 've report this with Adobe.
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