Here's our situation: we set up our Recommendations catalog and entity attributes with both input from mbox parameters capturing on-page data and a feed using the Analytics Product Classifications import. For various reasons, we have 90%+ rows in the Classifications that are not saleable on the webs...
Hi EveryoneAm new to Adobe Target, can anyone tell me the difference between Multiple Page vs Page Delivery in the VEC features.I would like to understand When to use Default Multiple page and Page Delivery in the A/B Testing.ThanksSaravanan
Hi Team,When I try to store product data feed to be used in Recommendations. The Feed section shows that data has been injected successfully: But when I try to search the products in Catalog, no products are visible. I tried multiple time but its not working. Can you please help.
Hello Team, In our solution we use custom header to indicate API version and we need to include this header into A/B requests. So, we are trying to create AB test which will be target to the same url with different header values. For example:[api-version=...
Hi everyone,Currently, Adobe Target tracks user behavior immediately upon accepting cookies. Would it be possible to implement the following (considering we have an a/b/c test)? We're using Adobe Launch with the Target extension (server-side delivery API). Initial Load with Randomized Experience:Loa...
Hi everyone,I'm seeking some clarification on the implementation of the pre-hiding snippet in Adobe Launch and the correct configuration of the Body Hiding and Body Hidden Style settings. We're experiencing some confusion about how to set these configurations in two different scenarios:Scenario 1: W...
Hello team,We've created an A/B test where the B version is a redirect. The stakeholders have reported that when users visit the default page (, they experience a delay where the default page is displayed before being redirected to the B version ( This is ...
I frequently have multi party contracts ( up to 9 signatories ) where I would like to set the other party signatures to be signed in any order because one party early in the order can hold up the rest . But I need to ensure that once other parties have signed it goes to my organization's signator...
Hello fellow Target consultants,One of our clients is currently trying to implement Target on one of their websites and this one is not publicly accessible. For that reason, I cannot access it neither can they install the Debugger, for security reasons.The only accessible parts for me are the Data C...