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Enhanced User Consent Handling in Adobe Target


Level 2

Hi everyone,

Currently, Adobe Target tracks user behavior immediately upon accepting cookies.


Would it be possible to implement the following (considering we have an a/b/c test)? We're using Adobe Launch with the Target extension (server-side delivery API).


Initial Load with Randomized Experience:

  • Load the Adobe Target library and randomly display one of the versions (a/b/c) without initiating tracking or personalization until the user consents.

Consent Prompt and Handling:

  • Display a consent prompt to the user upon their first visit.
  • If the user accepts cookies, Adobe Target begins tracking and personalization from that moment onward.

Redirect Logic for Non-Consent:

  • If the user does not accept cookies, redirect them to a random experience (e.g., /a/b/c) on subsequent visits until they provide consent.
  • Ensure that this redirection occurs in a user-friendly manner, explaining the need for consent for an optimal experience.

Appreciate it!



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1 Reply


Level 4

I don’t see how this can be achieved with Target. I’m sure there are smarter people than me that could make this work from a technical perspective, though I’m not sure it would be compliant. 

I would code the random a/b/c in the CMS or maybe even through a script hosted in the TagManager.