Hi,We are using Auto-target and Automated personalization and even if those data can't be sent directly to Analytics, I was wondering if anyone have a creative/cleaver answer for our problem.Our analytics team manages the main marketing campaigns dashboard and we would want to be able to give visibi...
¸¸Hi,I want to update my target-global-mbox via a dom ready/non sequential js but I'm not sure about the syntax.Because of some race condition, I can't create a data element and use it like thisuser.categoryId = <mydataElement>I must call everything as low as possible in my page.Unless someone have ...
As in the recommendation Feed sample by Adobe, first column is for "## RECSentity.id"Kindly help me understand, what different datatypes are possible in "## RECSentity.id"? i.e Alphanumeric/numeric/character etc.??Could we use Page URL in "## RECSentity.id"?
Kindly help me in understanding, what mapping we need in 3rd point in screenshot below while creating feed. Do you any sample of this mapping? Is this the mapping of fields in csv with??
How can we create audience to specify that a audience is logged in or logged out? In the create Audience section which rule we can select so that we can create separate audiences for logged-in users and anonymous users?We want to create separate audience for logged in users and a separate audience f...
Hi,We want to bring content feed from AEM 6.2 to Adobe Target Premium recommendation activity.How can this be done? Which are the APIs for it?How will API know which is entity.id? Will it be JSON format or XML format?Kindly suggest
Is it possible to QA an archived activity without activating it?When an activity is archived, the option to QA the activity is removed.As far as I can tell the only way to change this is to activate the activity, which I don't want to do.
Have a simple question:To conclude an a/b test, do we need to make sure all devices (at least desktop and mobile), both reach significance? Or just calculate the overall?Thank you!
When updating the rules for audience, does the sequencing of the rules affect anything? For example, does it increase efficiency? Is it optimal to sequence all your audiences to have the same order (Brower check first, then state check, etc.)?Thanks and advance- looking forward to hearing any though...