I have an audience as shown in this screenshot:But when I open a link like www.foo.com?cmp=baz|trt|meg, my experiment doesn’t run.If I open www.foo.com?cmp=baz%7Ctrt%7Cmeg, then my experiment runs as expected.Does anyone know why using "|" doesn't work even though I've setup the audience as shown?
https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/target/using/reports/conversion-rate.html#section_86F7C231943043A5B8B6BFE67B706E3BI've found template for calculating confidence for A/B tests. I need it to calculate confidence for custom metrics. At first I tried to verify if it works correct. I created regul...
Can you please provide details of character limits on entity parameters for non custom entity attributesI am trying to update feed via mbox method and I need to know limits so I can decide to use inbuilt or custom attributes Thanks,Vikas
Has anyone advice or experiences you can share around creating a shareable dashboard view of live test KPIs - ideally through native Adobe tools, but will also consider API integration? As our volume of activities grow, current methods of manually transferring into other tools for reporting is makin...
Hi There,Adobe Target script ( having class name "at-element-marker") is not coming at first time load of page but it is coming after refresh or reload, What could be the reason and how to resolve it?#Adobe_Target
What I am trying to achieve is give our business team permission to create/edit/delete and activate rules for only our staging environmentexample : staging.site.comThen when they have finalized their tests, have other person activate it for live production environmentexample: site.com Currently we h...
After migrating from DTM to Launch, the Target property token is no longer getting automatically detected within the Target VEC. Within Launch, we are using the latest version of the Adobe Target extension. We have a Page Top rule configured to Load Target then Add at_property to All Mboxes then Fir...
https://www.adobe.io/apis/experienceplatform/events/docs.html#!adobedocs/adobeio-events/master/intro/webhook_docs_intro.md#authenticating-events At the bottom of this page there is a small example of "Javascrip(pseudo-code)" which is entirely unhelpful as it fails to explain the only part of the cod...
Does anyone have a recommendation how to best handle this with Target Standard? Scenario:100+ store openings in a year, we show a single zip code a modified static single variant hero image on the HP, city name (dynamic) CTA with a unique destination URL to the store opening page. Store opening even...
var strIp= user.header('x-cluster-client-ip');var res = /^(xxx.xx.xxx/xx)$/.test(strIp);if (res){return "true";} I want to use the above code to identify and exclude a specific IP from our corporate office.The IP ends with a /xx and it does not allow me to save this new script.How can I use the abov...